if a person can run 3 miles in 18 minutes and 36 seconds would take the person to run half a mile?

divide everything by 6 , 3 min 6 seconds

Amy is running a race. She runs 7 miles at 11.12 per mile. How many hours does she run?

To find out how long it would take the person to run half a mile, we can use the concept of proportion.

Let's set up a proportion comparing the distance and time:

Distance 1 / Time 1 = Distance 2 / Time 2

Distance 1 = 3 miles
Time 1 = 18 minutes and 36 seconds

We want to find:
Time 2 (to run half a mile)

Let's convert the time measurements into minutes:

Since there are 60 seconds in a minute:
Time 1 = 18 minutes + (36 seconds / 60 seconds) = 18.6 minutes

Now we can set up the proportion:

3 miles / 18.6 minutes = 0.5 miles / Time 2

To solve for Time 2, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(3 miles) * (Time 2) = (18.6 minutes) * (0.5 miles)
3 * Time 2 = 9.3
Time 2 = 9.3 / 3
Time 2 ≈ 3.1 minutes

Therefore, it would take the person approximately 3.1 minutes to run half a mile.

To determine how long it would take a person to run half a mile, we can use the concept of proportion. Since we know that the person can run 3 miles in 18 minutes and 36 seconds, we can find out their average speed (pace) per mile by dividing the total time by the total distance.

The formula to calculate pace is: pace = time / distance.

In this case, the time is 18 minutes and 36 seconds, which can be converted to seconds by multiplying the minutes by 60 and adding the seconds. So, the time in seconds is: 18 minutes * 60 seconds/minute + 36 seconds = 1116 seconds.

Now, we can calculate the person's pace per mile: pace = 1116 seconds / 3 miles = 372 seconds/mile.

To find out how long it would take the person to run half a mile, we can use the same pace and calculate the time: time = pace * distance.

In this case, the distance is half a mile, which equals 0.5 miles. Therefore, the time to run half a mile is: time = 372 seconds/mile * 0.5 miles = 186 seconds.

So, it would take the person approximately 186 seconds, or 3 minutes and 6 seconds, to run half a mile.