1. Montesquieu’s system of “separation of powers” means that

government is divided into three branches.
people are born with rights that cannot be taken away.
government may rule because the citizens consent.
people have the right to life, liberty, and property.

2. How were the ideas of John Locke and other

Enlightenment philosophers different from past ideas of government?
They believed money was not a consideration.
Kings were portrayed negatively.
The individual person was considered.
The rights of the upper classes were important.

3. When creating a government with multiple branches, the Founding Fathers were influenced by (3 points)
French government.
the colonists.
British monarchy.
French writers.

4. The Magna Carta of 1215 was important because it

enforced the agreements of the first people to settle America.
convinced many colonists to declare independence from Britain.
provided a way for people to demand rights from the king.
taught the colonists to respect the British king’s right to rule.

5. The pamphlet Common Sense by Thomas Paine was important because it

provided a way for colonists to demand rights from the king.
taught the colonists to respect the British king’s right to rule.
convinced many colonists to declare independence from Britain.
enforced the agreements of the first people to settle America.

6. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.

This quote from the Magna Carta may have influenced the colonists to believe that

no person who was a criminal had the right to earn money or purchase from others.
each person had the right to pay money to get out of arrest and punishment.
no person would be expected to pay for his or her crimes if he or she could not afford it.
each person had rights including the right to quick and fair outcomes under the law.

My answers:
government is divided into three branches.
The individual person was considered.
the colonists.
enforced the agreements of the first people to settle America.
taught the colonists to respect the British king’s right to rule.
each person had rights including the right to quick and fair outcomes under the law.

3 could be French writers. What does your book say?

4 and 5 are wrong.

The others are correct.

1. Montesquieu’s system of “separation of powers” means that government is divided into three branches. To arrive at this answer, we can look at Montesquieu's book "The Spirit of the Laws," where he discusses the idea of dividing powers among different branches of government as a means to prevent tyranny and protect individual liberties. This principle influenced the creation of the three branches of government in the United States: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

2. The ideas of John Locke and other Enlightenment philosophers differed from past ideas of government because they emphasized the importance of the individual person. They believed that government should exist to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. This shift in thinking challenged the traditional notion of absolute monarchy, which viewed the king as the ultimate authority and often neglected the rights of individuals.

3. When creating a government with multiple branches, the Founding Fathers were influenced by a variety of factors. One major influence was the British monarchy, which had a system of separate powers between the King, Parliament, and the judiciary. They were also influenced by the ideas of French writers such as Montesquieu, whose works discussed the importance of the separation of powers. Furthermore, the colonists' experiences and grievances with British rule also shaped their vision for a new government.

4. The Magna Carta of 1215 was important because it provided a way for people to demand rights from the king. It was a document that limited the powers of the English monarchy and established key principles, such as the idea that the king was not above the law. Although the Magna Carta was not directly influential in the American Revolution, it laid the groundwork for principles of limited government and protection of individual rights.

5. The pamphlet Common Sense by Thomas Paine was important because it convinced many colonists to declare independence from Britain. Published in 1776, Common Sense argued for complete independence from Britain, criticizing the idea of monarchy and advocating for a democratic republic. Paine's persuasive writing played a significant role in rallying public support for independence and encouraging revolution.

6. The quote from the Magna Carta, "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice," may have influenced the colonists to believe that each person had rights, including the right to quick and fair outcomes under the law. This quote emphasizes the importance of equal access to justice and the principle that no one should be denied their rights or treated unjustly. It aligns with the values of fairness and equal treatment that influenced the colonists in their fight for independence.