Write eight hundred thousandths in scientificnotation

800/1000 = 8/10 = .8 = 8.0 *10^-1

To write eight hundred thousandths in scientific notation, we need to express it as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Step 1: Convert the decimal number to a fraction: 800,000 = 800,000/1,000,000.

Step 2: Simplify the fraction if possible: 800,000/1,000,000 = 8/10 = 4/5.

Step 3: Rewrite the fraction with a power of 10 in the denominator: 4/5 = 4 * (1/10).

Step 4: Express 1/10 as a power of 10: 1/10 = 10^(-1).

Step 5: Combine the numerator and the denominator: 4 * (1/10) = 4 * 10^(-1).

Therefore, eight hundred thousandths in scientific notation is written as 4 * 10^(-1).