How do you do tri-puzzling

Tri-puzzling refers to the activity of solving Tridoku puzzles. Tridoku is a variation of Sudoku that uses a three-by-three grid instead of the traditional nine-by-nine grid. To do tri-puzzling, follow these steps:

1. Set up the grid: Draw a three-by-three grid or print out a Tridoku puzzle template. The grid will consist of nine squares, and each square will have three smaller cells.

2. Fill in the given numbers: Look at the initial puzzle clues, which are numbers already placed in some of the cells. Fill in the given numbers in the grid.

3. Follow the Tridoku rules: The objective is to fill each cell with a number from 1-3 so that no number repeats within the same row, column, or smaller cell.

4. Start with the possibilities: Begin by looking for any cells with only one possible number. Fill in that number and move on to the next cell.

5. Work with subsets: Look for subsets of cells that only have a specific set of numbers as possibilities. For example, if three cells in a row can only have the numbers 1, 2, and 3 as possibilities, and those numbers are already occupied in the other cells of the same row, you can deduce where to place the remaining numbers.

6. Use logic and deduction: Apply logic and deduction techniques such as elimination, cross-referencing, and inference to narrow down the possibilities for each cell. By progressively filling in the numbers, you will eventually reach a solution.

7. Trial and error: If you reach a point where you cannot make any more logical deductions, you might need to employ trial and error. Pick a cell with multiple possibilities and try one of the numbers. Continue solving the puzzle, and if you reach a contradiction or inconsistency, backtrack and try a different number.

8. Keep practicing: Tridoku puzzles can be challenging, so keep practicing and sharpening your skills. The more puzzles you solve, the better you will become at finding patterns and applying strategies.

Remember, the key to tri-puzzling is patience and persistence. It may take some time to fully understand the techniques and develop your problem-solving skills, but with practice, you can become proficient at solving Tridoku puzzles.