Equation for b(c+4)=4c-18

To solve the equation b(c+4) = 4c - 18, we need to simplify and isolate the variable.

Let's start by distributing the b to both terms inside the parentheses:
bc + 4b = 4c - 18

Now, let's move the variable terms (bc and 4c) to one side of the equation and the constant terms (4b and -18) to the other side:
bc - 4c = -4b - 18

Next, we can factor out the common variable from the left side of the equation:
c(b - 4) = -4b - 18

Finally, to solve for c, we can divide both sides of the equation by (b - 4):
c = (-4b - 18) / (b - 4)

Thus, the equation for c in terms of b is c = (-4b - 18) / (b - 4).