2. Christians stirred Roman opposition in all of the following ways EXCEPT

a. refusing to honor the emperor as a god.
b. refusing to serve in the military.
c. rejecting Roman belief in a messiah.
d. regarding their religion as the only true faith.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

well , i was thinking A. but D can also be an answer because Christians viewed all other religions as apostates

D is correct. The Romans didn't care what the Christians believed.

To determine which statement is the exception, we need to evaluate each option and identify which one does not fit the pattern.

a. Refusing to honor the emperor as a god: This statement indicates that Christians did not engage in emperor worship, which was a traditional Roman practice. This opposition to the religious beliefs of the Roman empire could have stirred opposition.

b. Refusing to serve in the military: This statement suggests that Christians refrained from participating in the Roman military, which was seen as a form of dissent and non-compliance with Roman authority.

c. Rejecting Roman belief in a messiah: This statement implies that Christians did not accept the Roman belief in a messiah, which could have caused friction and opposition.

d. Regarding their religion as the only true faith: This statement indicates that Christians believed their religion was the only true faith. This belief could have challenged the religious pluralism of the Roman empire and invoked opposition.

Based on the options provided, the statement that does not fit the pattern is option c. rejecting Roman belief in a messiah. All the other options demonstrate ways that Christians stirred Roman opposition, while this option suggests that Christians simply rejected a specific Roman belief.