multiply as indicated: 8.6*5 1/4 (decimal)

8.6 * 5.25 = ?


To multiply 8.6 by 5 1/4 as a decimal, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 5 1/4 to an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (1). This gives you (5 * 4) + 1 = 21.
So the mixed number 5 1/4 can be written as the improper fraction 21/4.

Step 2: Multiply 8.6 by 21/4.
To multiply a decimal by a fraction, multiply the decimal by the numerator of the fraction and divide the result by the denominator of the fraction.

8.6 * (21/4) = (8.6 * 21) / 4

Step 3: Calculate 8.6 multiplied by 21.
8.6 * 21 = 180.6

Step 4: Divide 180.6 by 4.
180.6 / 4 = 45.15

Therefore, 8.6 multiplied by 5 1/4 (as a decimal) is equal to 45.15.

To multiply 8.6 by 5 1/4 as a decimal, we need to convert the mixed fraction 5 1/4 into a decimal.

To convert a mixed fraction to a decimal, add the whole number part to the fraction part. In this case, 5 + 1/4.

To add a whole number and a fraction, we turn the whole number into a fraction by giving it the same denominator as the fraction. Since 4 is the denominator of 1/4, we can rewrite 5 as 5/1.

Now we have (5/1) + (1/4). To add them, we need a common denominator, which is 4 in this case.

So, (5/1) + (1/4) = (20/4) + (1/4) = 21/4.

Now that we have the fraction 21/4, we can multiply it by 8.6. To do that, multiply the numerator (21) by 8.6 and divide the result by the denominator (4).

(21 * 8.6) / 4 = 180.6 / 4 = 45.15

Therefore, when you multiply 8.6 by 5 1/4 as a decimal, the result is 45.15.