Estimate the sum of 9.327 + 5.72 + 4.132 to one decimal place.


9.327 + 5.72 + 4.132 = 19.179 =

19.2 rounded to one decimal place

if you had a fraction strip folded into tenths, what fractional lengths could you measure with the strip?

estimate 14 value to one decimal place.

To estimate the sum of 9.327, 5.72, and 4.132 to one decimal place, you can round each number to one decimal place and then find their sum.

First, round each number to one decimal place:
9.327 becomes 9.3
5.72 becomes 5.7
4.132 becomes 4.1

Next, add the rounded numbers together:
9.3 + 5.7 + 4.1 = 19.1

Therefore, the estimated sum of 9.327 + 5.72 + 4.132 to one decimal place is 19.1.