How do you slide a point from (0,-2) to (3.5,5)?

To slide a point from (0, -2) to (3.5, 5), you can use the concept of translation in coordinate geometry. Translation refers to moving an object or a point in a straight line without changing its size or shape.

To perform the translation, you need to add the same amount to the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the starting point. The amount you add will be determined by the difference between the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the starting and ending points.

Let's calculate the amount you need to add to each coordinate:

1. Subtract the x-coordinate of the starting point from the x-coordinate of the ending point:
3.5 - 0 = 3.5

2. Subtract the y-coordinate of the starting point from the y-coordinate of the ending point:
5 - (-2) = 7

Now, you have the amounts to add to the x-coordinate and y-coordinate:

3.5 for the x-coordinate and 7 for the y-coordinate.

To slide the point (0, -2) to (3.5, 5), you would add 3.5 to the x-coordinate and 7 to the y-coordinate of the starting point:

New x-coordinate = 0 + 3.5 = 3.5
New y-coordinate = -2 + 7 = 5

Therefore, the point (0, -2) can be slid to (3.5, 5) by adding 3.5 to the x-coordinate and 7 to the y-coordinate.