what polygon has all exteeririor angle sums of 75 degrees? don't know need help like now!!!!!!!!!!

what is the sum of all angles in a 75 sided figure

What is the measure of ONE ANGLE inside a 75-sided figure?

To determine the polygon with exterior angle sums of 75 degrees, you need to know the formula for the sum of exterior angles of a polygon and then use algebra to find the number of sides.

The formula for finding the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is:

Sum of Exterior Angles = 360 degrees

Let's say the number of sides in the polygon is 'n'. Each exterior angle in a polygon can be calculated by dividing the sum of exterior angles by the number of sides:

75 degrees = 360 degrees / n

To solve for 'n', we can isolate it by multiplying both sides of the equation by 'n':

75 degrees * n = 360 degrees

Next, divide 360 degrees by 75 degrees to find the value of 'n':

n = 360 degrees / 75 degrees

Simplifying this, we get:

n = 4.8

Since the number of sides of a polygon must be a whole number, it is not possible to have a polygon with exterior angle sums of exactly 75 degrees.

Therefore, there is no polygon that satisfies the condition of having all exterior angle sums equal to 75 degrees.


Each angle of a regular n-gon has angle of 360/n

So 360/n = 75
75n = 360
n = 4.8 , but n must be a whole number

There is no such polygon