What is the primary function of the skeletal muscle?

A. Contraction

B. Pumping blood to the rest of the body

C. Protecting the body from harm

D. Heating the body

It's C

C.Is wrong. (A Contraction is the right answer.

The primary function of skeletal muscle is A. Contraction.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze the different options:

A. Contraction: Skeletal muscle is responsible for producing movement by contracting and relaxing. It allows us to perform various voluntary movements, such as walking, running, and lifting objects.

B. Pumping blood to the rest of the body: This is the function of the heart, not skeletal muscle. The heart is a specialized muscle responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.

C. Protecting the body from harm: Skeletal muscle does not have a primary function in protecting the body. The protection of internal organs and tissues is mainly provided by bones, connective tissues, and other structures.

D. Heating the body: The primary function of generating heat in the body comes from specialized tissues such as brown adipose tissue and the liver, not skeletal muscle.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the correct answer is A. Contraction, as skeletal muscle is primarily responsible for producing movement through contraction.