What are four origins of pollutants in natural water?

farm run off, household (detergents etc), pollutants in the soil unless there are restrictions on the answer. I wonder about the term natural water. What is unnatural water?

Mean river or lake.

The four main origins of pollutants in natural water are point sources, non-point sources, atmospheric deposition, and groundwater contamination. Here's an explanation of each:

1. Point Sources: These are direct, identifiable sources of pollution, such as industrial or municipal wastewater treatment plants, factories, or sewage outfalls. These sources discharge pollutants into water bodies at specific locations, making them easier to monitor and regulate.

2. Non-point Sources: Unlike point sources, non-point sources of pollution are more diffuse and scattered. They come from sources like agricultural runoff, urban stormwater runoff, or construction activities. These sources can release pollutants, such as fertilizers, pesticides, oil, sediment, and other contaminants, into water bodies through runoff.

3. Atmospheric Deposition: Pollutants can originate from the air and settle into water bodies through atmospheric deposition. These pollutants include heavy metals, atmospheric gases, and particulate matter. Industrial emissions, power plants, vehicle exhaust, and agricultural activities release pollutants into the atmosphere, which eventually settle on land and water surfaces through rainfall or dry deposition.

4. Groundwater Contamination: Groundwater pollution can occur when pollutants on the land surface or subsurface infiltrate through the soil and contaminate the underlying groundwater. This can happen due to improper waste disposal, leaking underground storage tanks, or seepage from agricultural or industrial activities. Contaminants can travel with groundwater, potentially affecting wells and drinking water sources.

To determine these sources of pollutants in natural water, scientists and environmental professionals employ various methods, such as water sampling and analysis, tracking pollutant discharge permits, monitoring air quality, identifying land use practices, and conducting comprehensive assessments of water bodies and their surrounding areas.