shankar bought some grain for rs.9000 and spent rs.540 on transporting it. how much should he sell to make a profit of 20%

to make 20% over his total coast:

(9000 + 540 )1.20 = 1.2(9540) = 11448

That is 20% profit. A prophet is something else entirely.

How much did he buy?

Do you mean how much should he sell IT FOR?

20% of 9000, PLUS transportation cost
= 1800 + 540 = 2340 rs


=$11340 He must sold the grain to make 20 % prophet.

A coast is not a cost either :)

To calculate how much Shankar should sell the grain for a 20% profit, we need to determine the total cost and then add the desired profit amount.

Step 1: Calculate the total cost:
Total cost = Cost of grain + Transportation cost
Total cost = Rs.9000 + Rs.540
Total cost = Rs.9540

Step 2: Calculate the desired profit amount:
Profit percentage = 20%
Desired profit amount = (Profit percentage/100) * Total cost
Desired profit amount = (20/100) * Rs.9540
Desired profit amount = Rs.1908

Step 3: Calculate the selling price:
Selling price = Total cost + Desired profit amount
Selling price = Rs.9540 + Rs.1908
Selling price = Rs.11448

Therefore, Shankar should sell the grain for Rs.11448 to make a profit of 20%.