b. What is the probability that a person selected at random from this HWAS data set will be shorter than 65" or taller than 70"?

The same data set

To calculate the probability that a person selected at random from the HWAS dataset will be shorter than 65" or taller than 70", you would need access to the data set itself. Without the specific data, it is not possible to provide an exact probability.

However, if you do have access to the dataset, you can follow these steps to find the probability:

1. Determine the number of individuals in the dataset who are shorter than 65" and the number of individuals who are taller than 70". Let's say there are n1 individuals shorter than 65" and n2 individuals taller than 70".

2. Calculate the total number of individuals in the dataset. Let's say there are N individuals in total.

3. Find the probability of being shorter than 65" by dividing n1 by N. Let's call this probability p1.

4. Find the probability of being taller than 70" by dividing n2 by N. Let's call this probability p2.

5. Finally, add p1 and p2 to get the probability that a person selected at random will be either shorter than 65" or taller than 70". Let's call this probability p_total.

p_total = p1 + p2

Remember that this calculation is only possible if you have the specific data from the HWAS dataset. Without that, it would be impossible to determine the exact probability.