2/3 - 3/8 in simplest form

2/3 = 16/24

3/8 = 9/24

16/24 - 9/24 = ___/24

Next time answer the full question

Its 16-9 which is 7 and therefore it is 7/24:P so simple..

To simplify the expression 2/3 - 3/8, we need to find a common denominator for the two fractions and then combine them.

Step 1: Find the common denominator
The smallest common denominator for 3 and 8 is their least common multiple (LCM), which in this case is 24.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to have a common denominator
To convert 2/3 to have a denominator of 24, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 8. This gives us (2/3) * (8/8) = 16/24.

To convert 3/8 to have a denominator of 24, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 3. This gives us (3/8) * (3/3) = 9/24.

Step 3: Subtract the fractions
Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract them. 16/24 - 9/24 = (16 - 9)/24 = 7/24.

Therefore, the expression 2/3 - 3/8, when simplified to its simplest form, is 7/24.