First, please do not use all capitals. Online it is like SHOUTING. Not only is it rude, but it is harder to understand. Thank you.

One number each would be 28 and 34. Half of the numbers would be above 30 and below 30 (including that score). More than one of the scores would be 39.

There are several possibilities, but this should give you a start.

19 24 20 24

Minimum: 28 maximum: 34 median: 30 mode: 29

To find a set of numbers that satisfies the given conditions, we can use a combination of the mode, median, minimum, and maximum values provided.

1. The mode refers to the value(s) that occur most frequently in the set. In this case, the mode is given as 29. So, let's include some occurrences of the number 29 in our set.

2. The median is the middle number in a set when arranged in ascending or descending order. Here, the median is given as 30. We can use this information to help us determine the placement of the numbers in our set.

3. The minimum is the smallest number in the set, which is 28 in this case. We'll make sure to include this number as well.

4. The maximum is the largest number in the set, which is 34. We'll include this number too.

Now, let's create a set that satisfies all the given conditions: mode = 29, median = 30, minimum = 28, and maximum = 34.

Set of 12 numbers: 29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 33, 34, 34

- To get the mode of 29, it is necessary to include numbers that occur more than once. In this case, we included two occurrences of the number 29.
- To achieve a median of 30, we placed three values of 30 in the middle of the set. This ensures that when the set is arranged in ascending order, the middle numbers will be 30.
- To satisfy the minimum condition of 28, we included the number 28 in the set.
- Similarly, to satisfy the maximum condition of 34, we included the number 34 in the set.

By following this process, we have obtained a set of 12 numbers that has a mode of 29, a median of 30, a minimum of 28, and a maximum of 34.