find the solution ,show all the step please y=x^3+125

To find the solution for the equation y = x^3 + 125, we need to solve for x.

Step 1: Start with the equation: y = x^3 + 125.

Step 2: Subtract 125 from both sides of the equation to isolate the x^3 term:
y - 125 = x^3.

Step 3: Take the cube root of both sides to get rid of the exponent:
(y - 125)^(1/3) = (x^3)^(1/3).

Step 4: Simplify the equation:
(y - 125)^(1/3) = x.

So, the solution to the equation y = x^3 + 125 is x = (y - 125)^(1/3).

Keep in mind that the cube root has both a positive and negative solution, so it's important to consider both possibilities when solving equations involving cube roots.