If 6 equilateral triangles are placed side by side so that only two sides of each triangle touch one of the other triangles, what shape is formed?

Please explain the answer.


Thanks! :)

To determine the shape formed by 6 equilateral triangles placed side by side, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with a single equilateral triangle.

2. Place a second equilateral triangle beside it, aligning one side of each triangle together.

3. Repeat this process with a third equilateral triangle, aligning one of its sides with the exposed side of the second triangle. At this point, you should have three equilateral triangles forming a row.

4. Now take another set of three equilateral triangles and place them below the first row, aligning the sides so that they touch the exposed sides of the first row.

The resulting shape formed by the 6 equilateral triangles placed side by side would be a hexagon. This is because the construction described above connects the vertices of the equilateral triangles, forming a closed polygon with six sides.

a hexagon only 2 sides of a triangle touching each other side by side ^[v]^

You're welcome.