Is call of duty black ops 2 ok for kids?


Kinda. It teaches u what kind of gun there is. and history. i like it.

Determining whether Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is suitable for kids is subjective and depends on various factors such as the child's age, maturity level, and the parents' preferences regarding violence and language in video games.

To make an informed decision, you can consider the following steps for assessing the game's appropriateness for children:

1. Research the game: Familiarize yourself with the content of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Watch gameplay videos or read reviews to get an understanding of the game's violence, language, and themes.

2. Check the age rating: Look at the official age rating given by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is rated "M" for Mature, which means it is intended for players who are 17 years or older.

3. Consider the child's age and maturity: Evaluate your child's ability to differentiate between fantasy and reality, handle mature themes, and understand the consequences of violence depicted in video games. Younger children may not have the emotional maturity to handle the content.

4. Discuss with other parents or experts: Seek opinions from other parents or consult experts in child psychology, education, or gaming to gain insight into how suitable the game might be for your child.

5. Set boundaries and monitor gameplay: If you decide to allow your child to play the game, establish clear rules and limits. Monitor their gameplay, discuss the content, and address any concerns or questions they may have.

Remember, as a parent or guardian, you have the final say in determining what is appropriate for your child based on their individual needs, maturity, and the values you wish to instill.