6.85ml of 0.015M SN2+

To calculate the amount of SN2+ in 6.85 mL of a 0.015 M solution, you can use the formula:

Amount of SN2+ (in moles) = Volume (in liters) × Concentration (in Molarity)

First, convert the volume from milliliters to liters by dividing by 1000:
6.85 mL ÷ 1000 = 0.00685 L

Now, you can plug in the values to the formula:
Amount of SN2+ = 0.00685 L × 0.015 M

Multiply the volume by the concentration to get the amount in moles:
Amount of SN2+ = 0.00010275 moles

Therefore, there are 0.00010275 moles of SN2+ in 6.85 mL of a 0.015 M solution.