the distance from jill house to school is 3 3/5 miles. jill walks 1/6 of the way. how far does she walk

Well, you could take 1/6 of 3 3/5

first convert 3 3/5 into an improper fraction

3 = 15/5 so 15/5 + 3/5 = 18/5 (= 3 3/5)

now multiply 18/5 * 1/6 this should give you 1/6 of the distance.

remember when you multiply fractions you just multiply the numerators together, and then the denominators together. like so...


so 18/30 miles now reduce

they are both divisible by 6 so

18/6 = 3
30/6 = 5

so she walked 3/5 of the way