Answers On bottom:

A. Chose the right verb to complete the sentence.

1. A Marta ____________ comprar un vestido nuevo.
gustaría me gustaría le gustaría te gustaría

2. Yo nunca ____________ esas cosas.
diría dirías deciría decirías

3. ¿Qué ____________ tú en caso de huracán?
harías hacerías había habría

4. ¿Qué ____________ usted a una persona que visita su ciudad?

recomendaría recomendarías recomendarían recomendaríais

5. Esta noche ____________ (a mí) una hamburguesa.
te gustaría te gustarías me gustaría me gustarías

B. Conjugate the verb in the right form to complete the sentences.

6. ¿Cómo ____________ (ser) su casa ideal?

7. ¿A quién ____________ (regalar) tú una caja de chocolates?

8. ¿Qué ____________ (pedir) yo en un restaurante vegetariano?

9. A nosotros ____________ (gustar) ordenar pasta.

10. Laura ____________ (poder) vivir en una casa más grande.

1. le gustaría
2. diría
3. harías
4. recomendaría
5. me gustaría

6. es
7. regalas
8. pido
9. gustamos
10. puede

I've sent this and your other two Spanish posts to Sra.


Um do you think she has a email?
So she can check my other work before I turn it in to my teacher?

*9. Literally (word for word) it is saying: To us IT IS PLEASING to order pasta. "To order" is the subject so the verb is "it is pleasing" = nos gusta


Correct answers:

A. Chose the right verb to complete the sentence.

1. A Marta le gustaría comprar un vestido nuevo.
- To find the answer, you need to understand that the sentence is talking about Marta's desire or preference. The verb "gustar" is used to express likes or preferences. In this case, it should be conjugated to agree with Marta, which is the third person singular. Therefore, the correct answer is "le gustaría."

2. Yo nunca diría esas cosas.
- To find the answer, you need to choose the verb that makes sense in the sentence. In this case, you need to choose the verb that means "to say" in the conditional tense. Looking at the options, "diría" is the correct form since it matches with the subject "yo" (I).

3. ¿Qué harías tú en caso de huracán?
- To find the answer, you need to choose the verb that makes sense in the sentence. In this case, you need to choose the verb that means "to do" or "to make" in the conditional tense. Looking at the options, "harías" is the correct form since it matches with the subject "tú" (you).

4. ¿Qué recomendaría usted a una persona que visita su ciudad?
- To find the answer, you need to choose the verb that makes sense in the sentence. In this case, you need to choose the verb that means "to recommend" in the conditional tense. Looking at the options, "recomendaría" is the correct form since it matches with the subject "usted" (you).

5. Esta noche me gustaría una hamburguesa.
- To find the answer, you need to choose the phrase that expresses the speaker's desire or preference. In this case, the subject is "yo" (I) and the correct phrase is "me gustaría," which means "I would like."

B. Conjugate the verb in the right form to complete the sentences.

6. ¿Cómo es su casa ideal?
- To conjugate the verb "ser" (to be) in the present tense, you need to match it with the subject "su casa ideal" (your ideal house). The correct form is "es."

7. ¿A quién regalas tú una caja de chocolates?
- To conjugate the verb "regalar" (to give as a gift) in the present tense, you need to match it with the subject "tú" (you). The correct form is "regalas."

8. ¿Qué pido yo en un restaurante vegetariano?
- To conjugate the verb "pedir" (to ask for) in the present tense, you need to match it with the subject "yo" (I). The correct form is "pido."

9. A nosotros nos gusta ordenar pasta.
- To conjugate the verb "gustar" (to like) in the present tense, you need to match it with the subject "nosotros" (we). The correct form is "gustamos."

10. Laura puede vivir en una casa más grande.
- To conjugate the verb "poder" (to be able to) in the present tense, you need to match it with the subject "Laura" (Laura). The correct form is "puede."