The length of a pipe, closed at one end is is 90 cm.

Calculate the frequency of the standing wave.
What is the fundamental frequency of the pipe?

λ=4L=4•0.9=3.6 m

f=v(sound)/ λ

To calculate the frequency of a standing wave in a closed-end pipe, you need to know the length of the pipe. The fundamental frequency (also known as the first harmonic) of a closed-end pipe occurs when the wavelength of the wave is twice the length of the pipe.

In your case, the length of the pipe is given as 90 cm. To find the fundamental frequency, you can use the formula:

Frequency (f) = Speed of Sound (v) / Wavelength (λ)

The speed of sound is a constant value and depends on the medium through which the sound is traveling. In air, at room temperature, the speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second (or 34300 centimeters per second).

To find the wavelength, you can use the formula:

Wavelength (λ) = 2 * Length of the Pipe

So, in this case:

Wavelength (λ) = 2 * 90 cm = 180 cm

Now, you can substitute these values into the frequency formula:

Frequency (f) = 34300 cm/s / 180 cm

Simplifying the equation gives you:

Frequency (f) ≈ 190.56 Hz

Therefore, the frequency of the standing wave in the closed-end pipe is approximately 190.56 Hz.