This is the first time I've had to register for a class to take on campus as I take everything online, so at the risk of sounding like a complete moron...

What does "R" stand for when listed under the day of class? I am assuming that it is Thursday but I want to be sure.

Yes, Thursday.

Thank you so much.


When you see the letter "R" listed under the day of class, it does indeed represent Thursday. However, it is always a good idea to double-check to ensure accuracy.

To confirm that "R" stands for Thursday, you can follow these steps:

1. Check the class schedule or course catalog: Look for any official documentation provided by your educational institution that explains the abbreviations used in the class schedule. This may include a key or legend that lists the meanings of different letters or abbreviations.

2. Contact the registrar's office: Reach out to the registrar's office at your college or university. They are responsible for managing student records, including class schedules. They will be able to provide you with a definitive answer regarding the meaning of "R" in the context of your class schedule.

3. Consult the academic calendar: Many educational institutions have an academic calendar that outlines important dates and information, including the days of the week associated with specific course offerings. Check if your school provides an online academic calendar that you can refer to.

Remember, it's always better to confirm any uncertainties instead of assuming. Asking for clarification ensures that you have accurate information and avoids any potential confusion or conflicts with your schedule.