To use card A, the cost is $1.00 to connect and then $0.04 per minute. To use card B, it costs $0.65 to connect and then $0.06 per minute. For what number of minutes does it cost the same amount to use each card for a single call?

1 + .04m = .65 + .06m

Subtract .04m and .65 from both sides of the equation

.35 = .02m

Solve for m by dividing .35 by .02.


To determine the number of minutes for which both cards cost the same amount, we need to set up an equation and solve for the variable.

Let's assume the number of minutes for which both cards cost the same amount is "x".

For card A, the cost is $1.00 to connect and then $0.04 per minute, so the total cost can be expressed as: Cost of card A = $1.00 + ($0.04 * x)

For card B, the cost is $0.65 to connect and then $0.06 per minute, so the total cost can be expressed as: Cost of card B = $0.65 + ($0.06 * x)

We can set up an equation by equating the two costs and solve for x:

$1.00 + ($0.04 * x) = $0.65 + ($0.06 * x)

Now, let's solve the equation:

$1.00 + $0.04x = $0.65 + $0.06x

$0.04x - $0.06x = $0.65 - $1.00

-$0.02x = -$0.35

Dividing both sides of the equation by -0.02:

x = (-$0.35) / (-0.02)

x = 17.5

Therefore, it will cost the same amount to use each card for a single call when the call duration is 17.5 minutes.