A captivating, conceptual visual representation of a mathematical proportion. There are four symbolic spaces depicted. The first space contains the number 9, the second one has the number 3, showing these two have a proportional relationship. Then there is a space with the number 49, and finally, a question mark to represent the unknown value we are seeking. The spaces are organized in a row, perhaps with arrows or other diagrams indicating the proportional relationship between them. The image contains no text.

What is the answer to 9:3::49:?

Since 3 power 2 is 9, which number's power 2 is 49? The answer is 7.

Yes, I am in you're school.


I'm to stupid to do anything

To find the answer to the given analogy 9:3::49:?, we need to understand the pattern between the numbers in the analogy. In this analogy, the first number is related to the second number in a specific way.

In the first analogy pair, 9 is divided by 3, resulting in 3. To find the answer to the second analogy, we need to follow the same pattern.

Therefore, we divide 49 by a number to get the desired answer. Dividing 49 by 7 results in 7.

So, the answer to the analogy 9:3::49:? is 7.

Idk anything

Since 3 is 1/3 of 9,

49/3 = ?