Hello,Umm I need Alot of help on this problem:Emma runs for 18 minutes out of the 45 minutes she spends exercising each morning.One morning she spends 70 minutes exercising.If her rates stay the same how many minutes will she spent running>PLEASE HELP A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!

18/45 = x/70

45x = 1260

x = 1260 / 45

x = 28 minutes

Thank-you!! :)

You're welcome!

To find out how many minutes Emma will spend running, we need to use proportions.

First, let's find out the fraction of the time Emma spends running on a usual morning. We know that she runs for 18 minutes out of 45 minutes, so the fraction can be represented as 18/45.

Now, let's apply this fraction to the specific morning when she spends 70 minutes exercising. We can set up a proportion as follows:

18/45 = x/70

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

18 * 70 = 45 * x

1260 = 45x

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 45:

1260/45 = x

x ≈ 28

Therefore, if Emma's rates stay the same, she will spend approximately 28 minutes running.