A linear regression wquation of best best fit between a student's attendance and the degree of success in school is h = .5x + 68.5. The correlation coefficient, r, for these data would be

To determine the correlation coefficient (r) for the linear regression equation, you will need to have the actual data points for the student's attendance and degree of success in school. The correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables.

Once you have the data points, you can calculate the correlation coefficient using the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the mean (average) of both variables (attendance and degree of success).
Step 2: Calculate the difference between each data point and the mean for both variables.
Step 3: Calculate the product of the differences obtained in step 2 for each data point.
Step 4: Sum up the products obtained in step 3.
Step 5: Calculate the standard deviation of both variables (attendance and degree of success).
Step 6: Multiply the standard deviations obtained in step 5 for both variables.
Step 7: Divide the sum obtained in step 4 by the result obtained in step 6.

The resulting value will be the correlation coefficient (r), which ranges from -1 to 1. A value of 1 indicates a perfect positive linear relationship, while a value of -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship. A value of 0 indicates no linear relationship.

It is important to note that without the actual data points, it is not possible to calculate the correlation coefficient accurately.