Your gas bill varies directly as the amount of gas used. The bill for 2800 cubic feet of gas comes to $196. If you used 1400 cubic feet of gas, what will the bill be?

1400 * (196/2800) = 92

half as much gas, half the cost

oops - 98

To solve this problem, we need to determine the relationship between the amount of gas used and the corresponding gas bill. The problem states that the gas bill varies directly with the amount of gas used.

We can set up a proportion to find the answer.

Let's assume x represents the gas bill for using 1400 cubic feet of gas.

We have the following proportion:

2800 cubic feet of gas / $196 = 1400 cubic feet of gas / x

Now, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

2800 * x = 1400 * $196

2800 * x = $274,400

To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 2800:

x = $274,400 / 2800

x = $98

Therefore, the gas bill for using 1400 cubic feet of gas will be $98.