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Determine the magnitude of the resultant moment produced by the forces about point O.

pls explain to me how to do it, you don't need to tell me final answer, i can number crunch :)

In general The moment vector about any point O of force vector F is

M = R x F
where R is the vector from point O to a (any) point on vector F and F is the force vector

To set this up:

if R = Rx i + Ry j + Rz k
and F = Fx i + Fy j + Fz z

then the vector M is the determinant of the matrix

| i j k |
|Rx Ry Rz |
|Fx Fy Fz)|

or in other words
(RyFz-RzFy)i + RzFx-RxFz)j + (RxFy-RyFx)k

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there are basically two forces acting on the object.

so do i find the resultant force first and then cross that with r?

No, find the Moment due to each.

M1x, M2x
M1 y, M2y
M1z, M2 z

THEN add the moment vector components
Mtotal x i + Mtotaly j + Mtotalz K

To determine the magnitude of the resultant moment produced by the forces about point O, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the given forces: Look for the specific forces acting on the object and their respective points of application.

2. Determine the perpendicular distance: Find the perpendicular distance (also known as the moment arm) between point O and the line of action of each force. This can be achieved by measuring the shortest distance between point O and the line along which the force acts.

3. Calculate the moment: To calculate the moment produced by each force about point O, multiply the magnitude of the force by the perpendicular distance. This gives you the individual moments created by each force.

4. Find the components: Break down the forces into their respective components in the x, y, and z directions if needed.

5. Sum up the moments: Add up all the individual moments to find the net moment produced by the forces. Take into account both the magnitude and direction of each moment.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the magnitude of the resultant moment produced by the forces about point O.