multiply the fraction 9/15 by the fraction 30/72 and reduce your answer to the lowest terms

check the answer below

9/15 * 30/72 = (9/72)*(30/15)

(1/8)*(2) = 1/4

To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and then multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) together.

In this case, the first fraction is 9/15 and the second fraction is 30/72.

Multiplying the numerators together: 9 * 30 = 270
Multiplying the denominators together: 15 * 72 = 1080

So, the product of the two fractions is 270/1080.

To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and then divide both numbers by the GCD.

The GCD of 270 and 1080 is 270.

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 270:
270 ÷ 270 = 1
1080 ÷ 270 = 4

Therefore, the fraction 270/1080 reduces to 1/4.