Plot the points and determine the slope of the line containing them


please show work

slope = (-4 - (-4))/8 - (-7))

= 0/15 = 0

so plot the two points and draw a line through them, you will get a horizontal line (slope = 0)

To plot the points (-7, -4) and (8, -4) on a graph, we can first draw a coordinate system with the x-axis and y-axis. Then, we can locate the first point (-7, -4) by counting 7 units to the left on the x-axis and 4 units down on the y-axis. Mark this point on the graph. Similarly, locate the second point (8, -4) by counting 8 units to the right on the x-axis and 4 units down on the y-axis. Mark this point as well.

Now that we have plotted the points (-7, -4) and (8, -4) on the graph, we can determine the slope of the line containing them. The slope of a line is calculated using the formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's calculate it using the coordinates of the two points:

slope = (-4 - (-4)) / (8 - (-7))
= 0 / 15
= 0

Therefore, the slope of the line containing the points (-7, -4) and (8, -4) is 0.