The separation between goalpost uprights in college football changed from 23 feet 4 inches to 18 feet 6 inches. What percent reduction was this?

Question answered. Thank you.

23.33 - 18.5 = 4.83

4.83 / 23.33 = 0.207 = 20.7%

To calculate the percent reduction between the two values, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the difference between the two values.
Difference = Old Value - New Value

Step 2: Calculate the percentage reduction by dividing the difference by the old value and multiplying by 100.
Percent Reduction = (Difference / Old Value) * 100

Let's apply these steps to your particular question:

Step 1: Find the difference between the two values.
Difference = 23 feet 4 inches - 18 feet 6 inches

To subtract the values, it's important to convert the measurements to the same units. In this case, we'll convert everything to inches:
Difference = (23 * 12 + 4) inches - (18 * 12 + 6) inches

Difference = (276 + 4) inches - (216 + 6) inches
Difference = 280 inches - 222 inches
Difference = 58 inches

Step 2: Calculate the percentage reduction.
Percent Reduction = (58 inches / 280 inches) * 100

Percent Reduction = 0.2071 * 100
Percent Reduction = 20.71%

Therefore, the separation between goalpost uprights in college football underwent a 20.71% reduction.