What type of poem is this ?

We found his flag one bitter morning
And knew our hopes had come to woe.
We had come pursuing glory
But ended freezing in the snow.

1. The stanza of the poem offers an example of (1 point)
slant rhyme.
end rhyme.
perfect rhyme. *
internal rhyme.

I think its perfect rhyme but not sure. HELP?!!

What are the differences among these four terms? Look them up here if you don't know each one's definition automatically:


To determine the type of rhyme used in the stanza of the poem you provided, you can analyze the sound patterns at the ends of the lines.

In this stanza:

We found his flag one bitter morning
And knew our hopes had come to woe.
We had come pursuing glory
But ended freezing in the snow.

The last words of each line (morning, woe, glory, snow) do not share the same vowel or consonant sounds. Therefore, this stanza does not contain perfect rhyme, which requires the last syllables of the words to have identical sounds.

To further clarify the options given:
- Slant rhyme refers to words that almost rhyme, but not exactly. For example, "food" and "moon" would be considered slant rhyme.
- End rhyme refers to words at the end of lines that share similar sounds. This stanza does have end rhyme.
- Internal rhyme refers to words that rhyme within the same line. There are no examples of internal rhyme in this stanza.

Based on the provided options, the correct answer would be "end rhyme."