find p & q, if the equation px^2 -8xy+3y^2 +14x+2y+x=0 represent a pair of perpendicular lines.

there appears to be a typo. Why does "x" appear twice?

To determine whether the given equation represents a pair of perpendicular lines, we need to check the coefficients of the quadratic terms (x^2 and y^2), the linear terms (x and y), and the constant term.

The equation in standard form is: px^2 - 8xy + 3y^2 + 14x + 2y + x = 0

Now, we compare the coefficients with the standard equation of a pair of perpendicular lines:

(m1 * y - m2 * x)^2 = 0

In this equation, m1 and m2 represent the slopes of the two lines.

Comparing the coefficients of the given equation with the standard form, we get:

m1 = 8/p
m2 = 1/3

For two lines to be perpendicular, the product of their slopes should be -1. Therefore, we have:

m1 * m2 = (8/p) * (1/3) = -1

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by 3p:

8 = -3p

Dividing both sides by -3:

p = -8/3

Now that we know the value of p, we can substitute it back into the equation to find q.

Using the given equation:

px^2 - 8xy + 3y^2 + 14x + 2y + x = 0

Substituting p = -8/3:

(-8/3)x^2 - 8xy + 3y^2 + 14x + 2y + x = 0

Since the value of q is not given, we can't determine its exact value. However, we now have the value of p as -8/3.