What if u have 71/10 and u have to Chang that in to a mixed number


71/10 = 7 1/10

To convert the fraction 71/10 into a mixed number, you need to divide the numerator (71) by the denominator (10). Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Divide 71 by 10.
71 ÷ 10 = 7 remainder 1

Step 2: The quotient is the whole number part of the mixed number, and the remainder is the numerator of the fractional part. Therefore:
The whole number part = 7
The numerator of the fractional part = 1

Step 3: The denominator of the fractional part remains the same (10).

Putting it all together, the mixed number representation of 71/10 is:
7 and 1/10

So, 71/10 can be written as 7 and 1/10 as a mixed number.