Graph the inequality...


All it shows is 4 graphs that are shaded - and I have to choose one...they are all dotted..can you help me please...

Sorry -- I don't know.

Ok ....thank you

To graph the inequality y > -5x + 3, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by graphing the equation y = -5x + 3 as a straight line. Since the inequality is greater than (>) rather than greater than or equal to (≥), the line should be dotted instead of solid.

Step 2: To determine which side of the line to shade, choose a test point not lying on the line. You can select any point on the coordinate plane that makes the calculation easier. In this case, I will use the point (0,0) as a test point.

Step 3: Substitute the test point's x and y values into the original inequality: Since the inequality states y > -5x + 3, substitute y = 0 and x = 0 into the inequality: 0 > -5(0) + 3. Simplify this to: 0 > 3, which is false.

Step 4: If the inequality is false, shade the side of the line that does not contain the test point. In this case, since the test point (0,0) lies below the line, shade the region above the line.

Step 5: Finally, draw a dotted line to represent the equation y = -5x + 3, and shade the region above the line to indicate the solution to the inequality y > -5x + 3.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.