how do i divide larg numbers

Follow the directions in the site I linked or use a calculator.

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To divide large numbers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Make sure the divisor (the number you're dividing by) is outside the division bracket, and the dividend (the number you're dividing) is inside the bracket.
For example, if you're dividing 42,760 by 68, the setup would look like this:
68 | 42,760

Step 2: Begin dividing the digits of the dividend by the divisor, starting from the leftmost digit. If the divisor doesn't divide evenly into the first digit, carry the remainder to the next digit. The result of each division should be written above the respective digit.
For example, in our division setup of 68 | 42,760, we would divide:
- 68 divides into 42, seven times (7). Write this above the 4.
- Subtract 68 * 7 (476) from 427 (the first two digits of the dividend).
- Bring down the next digit, so we have 420.
- 68 divides into 420 six times (6). Write this above the 2.

68 | 42,760

Step 3: Repeat the process until you have divided all the digits of the dividend.
For example, divide 68 into the remaining 200:
- 68 divides into 200 two times (2). Write this above the 0.

7 2
68 | 42,760

Step 4: The quotient is the number formed by combining all the numbers you've written above the dividend digits. In our example, the quotient would be 720.

So, when you divide 42,760 by 68, the answer is 720.