1 round 234508 to the nearest thousands

2 round 45099 to the nearest thousands
3 round 8650 to the nearest thousands

1 round 234508 to the nearest thousands


I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two problems.


no 2 answer is 45100

no 3 answer is 8700

You've rounded to the nearest hundred, not the nearest thousand.

Please study the chart I linked above.


is 45099 to the nearest 10?

is 4700

To round numbers to the nearest thousands, you need to look at the digit in the hundreds place.

1. Round 234,508 to the nearest thousands:
The digit in the hundreds place is 5. Since the digit is greater than or equal to 5, we need to round up. To round up, we increase the digit in the thousands place by 1 and remove all the digits after it. So, rounding 234,508 to the nearest thousands gives us 235,000.

2. Round 45,099 to the nearest thousands:
The digit in the hundreds place is 0. Since the digit is less than 5, we don't need to round up. To round to the nearest thousands, we simply remove all the digits after the thousands place. So, rounding 45,099 to the nearest thousands gives us 45,000.

3. Round 8,650 to the nearest thousands:
The digit in the hundreds place is 5. Since the digit is greater than or equal to 5, we need to round up. To round up, we increase the digit in the thousands place by 1 and remove all the digits after it. So, rounding 8,650 to the nearest thousands gives us 9,000.