
To simplify the expression [(5a)^x]^3b / (5a)^2bx . (4c)^bx, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS).

Step 1: Simplify any exponents within each expression.

[(5a)^x]^3b can be simplified as (5a)^(x*3)b = (5a)^(3x)b

(5a)^2bx can be simplified as (5a)^(2bx)

(4c)^bx remains the same as it does not have any exponents within it.

Step 2: Combine the expressions by multiplying.

(5a)^(3x)b / (5a)^(2bx) * (4c)^bx

= [(5a)^(3x)b * (4c)^bx] / (5a)^(2bx)

Now, if you have any specific values for variables a, b, c, and x, you can substitute those values to further simplify the expression. However, if you are looking for a general simplification, this is as far as we can go without values for the variables.