Place the following elements in order of decreasing atomic size: selenium, chlorine, fluorine, rubidium, calcium, and sulfur.

Oh this is easy. I want you to take a look at your periodic table. Any elements that's toward the left and down are larger in Atomic size. So for instance rubidium is the largest in atomic size due to it further down and to the left.

To place the elements in order of decreasing atomic size, we need to consider their atomic radii. Atomic radius generally decreases across a period (from left to right) and increases down a group (from top to bottom).

Given the elements:
1. Fluorine (F)
2. Chlorine (Cl)
3. Sulfur (S)
4. Selenium (Se)
5. Calcium (Ca)
6. Rubidium (Rb)

Let's order them accordingly:

1. Rubidium (Rb) - Largest atomic radius as it is at the bottom of Group 1 (alkali metals).
2. Calcium (Ca) - Atomic radius is smaller than rubidium but larger than the remaining elements.
3. Selenium (Se) - Atomic radius is smaller than calcium but larger than the remaining elements.
4. Sulfur (S) - Atomic radius is smaller than selenium but larger than the remaining halogens.
5. Chlorine (Cl) - Smaller atomic radius compared to sulfur but larger than fluorine.
6. Fluorine (F) - Smallest atomic radius among all the given elements.

Therefore, the elements in order of decreasing atomic size are: Rubidium (Rb), Calcium (Ca), Selenium (Se), Sulfur (S), Chlorine (Cl), and Fluorine (F).

To determine the order of decreasing atomic size, we need to consider the periodic trends. Atomic size generally increases from right to left across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group on the periodic table.

Here are the given elements in order of decreasing atomic size:
1. Rubidium (Rb) - Rubidium is the largest atom among the given elements because it is at the bottom of Group 1 (alkali metals) and has the highest atomic number.
2. Barium (Ca) - Calcium is the next largest atom. It is in the same group as Rubidium but higher up, which means it is slightly smaller than Rubidium.
3. Selenium (Se) - Selenium is in Group 16 (chalcogens) and is smaller than both Rubidium and Calcium.
4. Sulfur (S) - Sulfur is also in Group 16 and is smaller than Selenium.
5. Chlorine (Cl) - Chlorine is in Group 17 (halogens) and is smaller than both Selenium and Sulfur.
6. Fluorine (F) - Fluorine, also a halogen in Group 17, is the smallest atom among the given elements.

Therefore, the order of decreasing atomic size is: Rubidium > Calcium > Selenium > Sulfur > Chlorine > Fluorine.