Anyone read

I am looking for the queen's dream in Aeschylus' Persians;what was interpreted as and the meaning of it

Anyone? I can't write my paper without this info

Read widely and take good notes.

thanks I did that but was not very successful

Did you search for queen's dream persians aeschylus?

Did you use ?

How many different things did you try when you searched? Only one??

No I did not try scholar in google I forgot about it will try now

I tried many been working on this for three weeks
And I wouldn't be asking if I only tried one! Please don't assume and Thank you

To find the interpretation and meaning of the queen's dream in Aeschylus' play Persians, you can start by reading the relevant part of the play. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this:

1. Obtain a copy of Aeschylus' Persians: Look for a translated version of the play, either in print or online. Many literary websites and libraries offer free access to classic works.

2. Read the play: Start reading the play from the beginning, familiarizing yourself with the characters and the plot. The queen's dream is mentioned in the earlier part of the play, so make sure you carefully read that portion.

3. Identify the section about the queen's dream: As you read, pay attention to the parts where the dream is mentioned. Note down the lines or scenes in which it appears.

4. Analyze the dream: Once you have located the part about the queen's dream, read it several times to fully understand the content and context. Take note of any key symbols, images, or ideas mentioned in the dream.

5. Consult annotations or commentaries: To gain deeper insights, consult annotations or commentaries on the play. These resources often provide interpretations, analysis, and contextual information about specific scenes or symbols. Look for renowned scholars or literary experts who have written extensively about Aeschylus' Persians.

6. Consider the historical and cultural context: Understanding the historical and cultural context of the play can help you interpret the queen's dream. Consider the themes, events, and societal aspects that may have influenced the playwright's intentions.

7. Formulate your interpretation: Take into account the information you have gathered from the play, annotations, and contextual analysis. Reflect on the symbols and themes in the dream to develop your own interpretation. You may want to contemplate how the dream ties into the overall themes and messages conveyed in the play.

It's important to note that the queen's dream in Persians is open to interpretation, and different scholars or readers may have varying views on its meaning. Therefore, it can be insightful to engage in discussions with others to gain multiple perspectives.