-75= 5(3m-3)-3m. Can someone explained this problem to me and how to solve it. I tried doing it and had several answers

-75= 5(3m-3)-3m

-75 = 15m - 15 - 3m

-60 = 12m

-5 = m

To solve this equation, follow these steps:

1. Distribute the 5 to both terms inside the parentheses:
-75 = 5(3m - 3) - 3m
-75 = 15m - 15 - 3m

2. Combine like terms on the right side of the equation:
-75 = 12m - 15

3. Isolate the variable term (12m) by adding 15 to both sides of the equation:
-75 + 15 = 12m - 15 + 15
-60 = 12m

4. To solve for m, divide both sides of the equation by 12:
-60/12 = 12m/12
-5 = m

So, the solution to the equation is m = -5.

If you've attempted the problem and obtained different answers, it's possible that there might have been mistakes made while performing the steps mentioned above. Review the steps once again and double-check your calculations to ensure accuracy.