what is the charge on an ion with 25 protons and 29 electrons?

(+25) + (-29) = ?

To determine the charge on an ion, you need to consider the number of protons and electrons. Protons are positively charged particles, while electrons are negatively charged particles. The overall charge on an ion is determined by the difference between the number of protons and electrons.

In this case, you have 25 protons and 29 electrons. Since the number of protons represents the positive charge, we can assume the ion has a charge of +25. Similarly, since the number of electrons represents the negative charge, we can assume the ion has a charge of -29.

To calculate the overall charge, you subtract the number of electrons from the number of protons:
+25 (protons) - 29 (electrons) = -4

Therefore, the charge on the ion is -4.