What three words create assonance in the stanza: "One day a girl went walking And stepped into a store; She bought a pound of sausages Then set them on the floor."?

Based on what assonance means and is used for... I'm guessing it's the words 'bought', 'pound', and 'sausages'? = (ou/ou/au)

Also, in the stanza: "The girl began to whistle A merry little tune; Soon the sausages jumped up And danced around the room." which two words create the assonance? This one seems harder that the other.

Assonance and alliteration have to do with SOUND.

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds (not just the vowels). Here's an example -- say it aloud to yourself: jumpy monkey sundae

You have to say these aloud -- you won't hear them if you just read them to yourself.

(Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the beginnings of words. Here's an example: rifles' rapid rattle)

Hi again Writeacher. Just got off the phone with a NYC Teacher from the Dial-A-Teacher, and he didn't know. After what you said, I guess the correct ones are "store" and "floor", but I don't see a 3rd one? Could you please give me a different hint if that one is incorrect or is that a typo and there's only 2 not 3 words there?

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words, especially in poetry or other literary works. To identify the words that create assonance in a specific stanza, you'll need to find words that have similar vowel sounds.

In the first stanza, the words "bought," "pound," and "sausages" do not create assonance because they have different vowel sounds.

However, in the second stanza, the words "jumped" and "up" create assonance because they share the same "uh" sound. The vowel sounds in both words are similar, making them an example of assonance.