Jason travels from A for 5 km north and then 7 km due west to B, he then travels bak directly from B to A. Find the total length of his journey

Plz show all ur work

Don't you have a right-angled triangle with shorter legs of 5 and 7 ?

let h be the hypotenuse
h^2 = 5^2 + 7^2 = 74
h = √74

total distance = 5 + 7 + √74 = ....

Yes I got that tooo' but in the book they got about 20. 6 km and his journey is about 8 km'

Oh now I get it we should add them Haahahhaah thanks


To find the total length of Jason's journey, we need to calculate the distance he traveled from A to B and from B back to A.

1. From point A, Jason travels 5 km north. This creates a triangle between A, B, and a point C, which is 5 km north of A.
2. Jason then travels 7 km due west from point C to point B, which completes the triangle mentioned earlier.
3. To find the distance from A to B, we can use the Pythagorean theorem because we have a right-angled triangle. Let's call the distance from A to C as 'a' and the distance from C to B as 'b'. The distance from A to B, which is the hypotenuse, can be found using the formula: c = √(a^2 + b^2).
- In this case, a = 5 km (north direction) and b = 7 km (west direction), so c = √(5^2 + 7^2) = √(25 + 49) = √74 km.
4. Finally, to find the total length of Jason's journey, we add twice the distance from A to B (since he traveled the same distance back). Thus, the total length of his journey is 2 * √74 km = 2√74 km, which is approximately 17.16 km.