hi, i don't understand the homework that says show how to make one adden a ten. example: 38+26=


I believe first you need to add them 38+26=64, and then 10+54=64

thanks, hope you are correct

Hi! I can help you understand how to make one addend a ten when solving an addition problem like 38+26.

To make one addend a ten, we want to break down one of the numbers so that it has a ten in it. Let's use the number 38 as an example.

Step 1: Break down the number 38 into tens and ones.
38 can be written as 30 (representing three tens) and 8 (representing eight ones).

Step 2: Now, we can rewrite the addition problem as:
30 + 8 + 26.

Step 3: Simplify the problem by adding the tens first:
30 + 26 = 56.

Step 4: Finally, add the ones:
56 + 8 = 64.

So, 38 + 26 = 64.

By breaking down one of the numbers into tens and ones, it becomes easier to add and simplify the problem. This method can be useful when dealing with larger numbers as well.