a system has a total mechanical energy of 350 J and kinetic energy of 220 J. what is its potential energy?

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A System Has A Total Mechanical Energy Of 350 J And Kinetic Energy Of 220 J. What Is Its Potential Energy?

To find the potential energy of the system, we can use the equation for total mechanical energy:

Total mechanical energy = Potential energy + Kinetic energy

Given that the total mechanical energy is 350 J and the kinetic energy is 220 J, we can substitute these values into the equation and solve for the potential energy:

350 J = Potential energy + 220 J

Subtract 220 J from both sides of the equation:

350 J - 220 J = Potential energy + 220 J - 220 J

130 J = Potential energy

Therefore, the potential energy of the system is 130 J.

To find the potential energy of the system, we need to subtract the kinetic energy from the total mechanical energy. The formula to calculate potential energy is:

Potential Energy = Total Mechanical Energy - Kinetic Energy

Substituting the given values, we have:

Potential Energy = 350 J - 220 J
Potential Energy = 130 J

Therefore, the potential energy of the system is 130 J.