Literary themes understood by all people regardless of their background or the time they live in are

a. universal
b. shill-based
c. motivational
d. literature-based

I think "d" bt not sure 100%

I disagree.

Doesn't the theme of Romeo and Juliet transcend all times and places and societies?


"all people regardless of their background or the time they live" sounds very universal to me.

The correct answer is actually "a. universal". Literary themes that are understood by all people regardless of their background or the time they live in are referred to as universal themes. These themes deal with fundamental human experiences, emotions, and aspirations that are common to all people across different cultures and periods of history. Examples of universal themes include love, death, friendship, betrayal, redemption, and coming of age. These themes resonate with readers because they tap into shared human experiences and offer insights into the complexities of human existence.