If I have an 85 in a class and I made a 53 on a mid-term, what would my average be? Grades based on a 100 point scale.

assuming equally weighted scores, the average is (85+53)/2 = 69

actually, the question is poorly worded. What does it mean to "have 85 in a class"? Does that include the mid-term score?

To find your average in the class, you need to consider the weightage given to different assignments. Generally, each assignment is assigned a specific weight, and the overall average is calculated by combining the scores according to their respective weights.

However, since the weightage of the mid-term is not mentioned, I'll assume that all assignments, including the mid-term, have an equal weight.

Let's calculate the average:

Assuming all assignments have equal weighting:
Total points earned so far = Sum of points for all assignments
= (85 + 53)

Number of assignments = Total number of assignments so far (including the mid-term)
= 2

Average = Total points earned so far / Number of assignments
= (85 + 53) / 2

Therefore, your average would be (85 + 53) / 2 = 138 / 2 = 69.

Please note that this calculation assumes equal weighting for all assignments, and it may vary depending on the actual weight assigned to each assignment by your instructor.